Why are there so few women pilots in America? In fact, only
six-percent of those holding pilot certificates are female. Why
is the number of women pilots so abysmally low?
Thanks to research grant support partially provided by the Wolf Aviation
Fund, some of the answers are to be found right here at
“Teaching Women to Fly.”
The volunteer director of this research project is
Penny Rafferty Hamilton, Ph.D. Dr.
Hamilton cast a wide net across
the aviation community. Her two-year study netted 296 completed
surveys and/or personal interviews. Included within the sample
are 54 female pilot-in-training (PIT) or others who started out
to earn pilot certificates; however, for one reason or even
several, did not complete their flight training.

Also responding to her call, were 157 women pilots, some with
advanced ratings and experience in helicopters, soaring,
commercial and military aviation. Fifty-two
and 33 male flight instructors shared their insights. Thanks to
all who shared their thoughts and
After all the results of the survey and interviews were
tabulated, 101 ideas on how to increase the number of women
pilots were generated. The 101 have been reduced to the Top 10
Things we should be doing to increase the number of women pilots
and the Top 10 Things we should stop doing right now!
We all can encourage women to experience
aviation. This study suggests women are an underserved and
little understood segment of general aviation.
The top ten barriers that stop women from learning to flying.
The top
ten ways to increase female success in general aviation.